Traces and Metrics for ActorSystem.EventStream
On this page we will see how Phobos handles local publisher-subscriber scenario - using Event Source.
Here is a code sample we will use:
// create publisher and subscribers
var publisher = Sys.ActorOf<Publisher>("publisher");
var subscriber1 = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new Subscriber(TestActor)), "subscriber1");
var subscriber2 = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new Subscriber(TestActor)), "subscriber2");
// subscribe to events
Sys.EventStream.Subscribe(subscriber1, typeof(string));
Sys.EventStream.Subscribe(subscriber2, typeof(string));
// publish 10 messages
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// wait for messages - two "0", two "1", etc
ExpectMsgAllOf(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).SelectMany(i => new[] { i.ToString(), i.ToString() }).ToArray());
private class Publisher : ReceiveActor
public Publisher()
ReceiveAny(m => Context.System.EventStream.Publish(m));
private class Subscriber : ReceiveActor
public Subscriber(IActorRef target)
ReceiveAny(m => target.Tell(m));
Different messages are published to multiple subscribers. What data will be collected?
Automatically collected metrics here:
counter - how many actors of given type were created at that moment?akka.messages.recv
meters - how many messages of given type arrived into actor's mailboxes?
From the metrics above it is absolutely clear that we have 2 subscribers generated per single publisher, and 20 messages were delivered from 10 messages published - exactly what we would expect.
For each messages published, we have full-tracked message trace from publishing to subscriber's mailboxes. Here is a trace for the first message:
Here we can see that:
- Test actor is sending a message
to the publisher - Publisher is sending same message to both subscribers.
Note that we do not have any intermediate actors between publisher and subscribers - that is how
works, it's a singleton connecting publishers and subscribers via theirIActorRef
That's pretty much it. Let's see, how similar scenario will look like in clustering mode, using Distributed Pub-Sub feature.